Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Friday, December 25, 2009

Karen, Marsha & Christian Lasanudin Mengucapkan

Selamat Natal 2009

Selamat Tahun Baru 2010

Tuhan Memberkati kita selalu!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Our Holiday

We are somewhat happy at the same disappointed with our transportation Air Asia. They canceled our flight KUL - Hanoi without informing us, but in the end they manage to take us to Hanoi through Bangkok. It was a hectic day but still acceptable.

We are very happy with our choice of hotels!
Corus Hotel in Kuala Lumpur
Beautiful room, good breakfast, great location. Walking distance to Petronas and MRT.
Hanoi Elegance 4 in Hanoi
Super excellent service, small yet super clean room & bathroom, delicious breakfast. Walking distance to Hoan Kiem Lake!

We didn't join any tour in Hanoi accept for Halong Bay cruise.
Columbus Travel for Halong Bay Cruise
Disappointed at the beginning but very satisfied in the end. They have 3 junks. Pinta Gold (USD 99 per pax), Pinta Cruise (USD 85 per pax) and Nina Cruise (USD 167 per pax). These are their promotion rate. We choose the biggest boat Pinta Gold. When we arrive they said that Pinta Gold is not available due to maintenance and they downgraded us to Pinta Cruise with lower price (USD 72 per pax). When we actually at the boat, they said that the Pinta Cruise is already full so they move us to Nina Cruise (small private junk for honeymooners).

So after all the hassle we are happy that we pay the lowest price for the most expensive plus they kindly celebrate our daughter birthday with a big birthday cake and a bottle of sparkling wine. Thanks a lot for that!!

Sunday, November 08, 2009

Our daughter 1st Birthday

"Untuk mendapat anak inilah aku berdoa, dan TUHAN telah memberikan kepadaku, apa yang kuminta dari pada-Nya. Maka akupun menyerahkannya kepada TUHAN; seumur hidup terserahlah ia kiranya kepada TUHAN." 1 Samuel 1:27 - 28

Mama dan Papa berdoa supaya Karen selalu tumbuh sehat dan pandai, penuh kasih terhadap orang tua dan sesama dan yang terpenting takut akan Tuhan. Anakku yang kukasihi kiranya berkat Tuhan selalu menyertaimu, Roh Kudus memimpin setiap langkah dalam hidupmu. Amin.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Last working day and off we go...

Friday, last working day before holiday yaaayyy..... Saturday, Sunday, Monday off we go! We save and save and save.... to give our-self our birthday gift. We will stop one night at Kuala Lumpur and off again to Vietnam to cruise on Ha Long Bay beauty... Let's hope the weather is nice to us so we could enjoy the holiday!!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Birthday Project

or this

Need to decide and send this out this week before we depart!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Late but not forgotten...

To papa K - my dearest husband,

I know you know that we love you. What you don't know maybe, is that we are more in love with you everyday than we did yesterday. You make us feel very blessed everyday from the beginning to the very end of the day. When we open our eyes, the kiss is ready, the milk is ready. Lots of things that you do for us. You truly are a great husband and father.

You have a pure mind and blessed with an angelic soul. You are a good person papa. And I know for certain that God resides in your heart. You bring peace to us, you make us happy. Very happy! Everyday!

Thank you for teaching me, we already are blessed the three of us for everyday breath that we breathe. Be thankful of what we have. Thank you for your strength, especially these last few weeks. Could not get through this without you!! As for what the future will bring, I know for certain that the Lord’s plan for us is always the right plan. Let’s not forget to pray and be better children of God.

Thank you so much for everything that you have done for us. We really appreciate that papa. I know you know that we love you, but we just can not get enough of saying that because we really do love you papa, with all our heat.

God bless and keep you, we only hope that we make you happy too!


Friday, July 10, 2009

Daddy's Little Girl ...... For Sure!!

" Aduh 'sha.... Karen tuh papanya banget yah !!! "

I got this so many times. Emang iya sih, mukanya si K emang mirip Bapaknya. Tapi tunggu, bukan cuma mukanya yang mirip, masih banyak lagi yang
ternyata kembaran sama Bapaknya! Antara lain....

19 Juni, 06.55
"When you wake up to see this, you could not Not take the picture!"
God is Good, He is very Good!!

4 July, 05.51
" Pay attention to the hair, please welcome... The Jabrix! "
Bisa sih rambutnya berdiri gitu duduaan, hahahaha.....

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Happy 38th Anniversary Mama Papa!

Closer look at what's on top of the cake :)

It's our family tree!!!

Makan-makan di Bandar Jakarta, di traktir Bungki & Ka' Nona!

The love of a family is life's greatest treasure!

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Karen Baptism

29 March 2009 was Karen baptism day. We are very happy that she "performs" well on her baptism day. She didn't sleep but didn't cry even though there was no AC in the church. She smiles a lot and we are just so very proud of our baby K :)

We thank both sets of her God Parents (Om Kiki & Tante Desi dan Om Renvy & Tante Nona) who will share the responsibility as well as the joy of sharing and teaching the love of our Lord Jesus Christ to our dear baby K.

God bless !!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

What's happening in March??

In March, our precious baby Karen is 4 months. Praise the lord she is one healthy and happy baby. Her daily routine is

6.00 waking up and drink her milk
6.30 - 7.00 Selamat pagi matahari with Oma Mami
7.00 time for her bubble bath :)
7.30 Mama & Papa goes to work, Karen stay at Oma Mama's home :)
17.30 Mandi lagi sama mama :)
18.00 - 19.00 Sama Oma Mami lagi
19.00 - 20.00 Mother, Father, Daughter time.... yay!!!
Paling lat jam 20.00 Karen sudah bobo!!

Karen drinks her milk, one bottle per max. 3 hours around 120 - 150ml, a lot... yet she is one slim baby not like Mama :D

She knows well that both of her parents are working. She has always been a very good girl at night. She sleeps in her crib soundly and drink her milk exactly at the right time most of the time. Sometimes she didn't finish it but still ok
:) Her motor skills progress accordingly to her age... Terimakasih Tuhan Yesus!!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

More and more fun!!

Kalau lagi tidak ada bos ngapaiiiiiin?????? Fesbuk-an?? Browsing-an?? Hasilnya....... Le-ot baru dan belajar scrap book!! Gimana hasilnya buat anak baru :P Not bad kan :)

Mau tau cara ganti le-ot baru, bisa klik disini.
Kalau mau tau cara buat scrap book, kesini ajah!

Friday, February 20, 2009

Having fun with your photo!!

Udah basi mungkin untuk orang lain, tapi berhubung aku baru tau, jadi agak-agak "mangkage" kata orang menado :) Seru banget!! Sampe-sampe pak Boss juga ikutan hahaha..


Bisa narsis seperti ini :) Pake photo jaman dulu yang masih langsing tentunya hahaha

So much fun, you should try!!

Sunday, February 08, 2009

My 3 months old baby K

Karen kecil kami hari ini genap 3 bulan, yay.... Puji Tuhan sampai saat ini dia sehat terus, pertumbuhannya juga baik...

Respon Karen juga baik. Kalau ada yang bercerita, dia merespon dengan tatapan matanya. Kadang tersenyum, tertawa, kadang kalau ketemu orang baru, keluar deh mimik galaknya :)

Sekarang Karen punya hobi baru babbling :) Kalau kita menyanyi untuk Karen, dia suka ikutan nyanyi dengan babblingnya walaupun nadanya masih flat hehehe...

Sambil minum susu, Karen juga cerita, babbling lagih nih maksutnya :)

Lucu banget deh, cuma ya gitu, acara minum susu jadi lama dey :)

Bulan Maret depan, kami punya rencana untuk membaptis Karen. Doakan semua berjalan lancar yah :)

God bless!!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Our 1st Anniverssary

26 January 2008
1 tahun lewat sudah.... Puji Tuhan, tanggal 26 Januari 2009 ini, kita merayakan ulang tahun pernikahan kita yang pertama. Time flies so fast. Masih ngerasain deg2an mau pemberkatan, sekarang tuan putri kita sudah 2 bulan 3 minggu.

Celebration dimulai dari makan malam dimalam tahun baru kerbau... (halah)... Seru banget, makan seafood yg super wenak di Gading Food City. Ada parade Sun Go Kong (cmiiw :P), ada barongsai, terus bandnya juga okeh banget di La Piazza.... tapi jam 9.30 sudah pulang karena Karen tidak kita ajak.... fun, fun, fun....

Tahun baru kerbau dimulai :) Aku dibangunin suamiku dengan buket mawar merah... Klisye mungkin buat yg baca, tapi kalo ngerasain ehm ehm, pokoknya setiap dapet bunga... rasanya ma' nyuss gimana gitu deh.... Terimakasih ya papa :)

Lanjut, ibadah syukur pagi oleh Majelis sektor VI. Kirain lupa ulang tahun pernikahan kita, ternyata om dan tante baik sekali masih inget....

Maksi with the Lasanudins, mami tidak ikutan karena masih di Tondano....

Ada pergumulannya namun banyak sukacitanya. Still madly, deeply, trully in love!!

Monday, January 05, 2009

Baby Karen, Marsha & Christian mengucapkan:

Merry Christmas 2008
Happy New Year 2008