My life is a blessing. From the very first day, without me
knowing, I am already a blessing… for my parents at least. Living my life, 37 years… a daughter, a girl, a woman, a
wife, a daughter in law and a mother. I have my own “experience” with Him.
Pengalaman iman, yes such a heavy words… tapi pasti tanpa
keluar dari mulut kita, kita pasti mengalaminya. Dari pengalaman iman ini aku tahu,
hidup aku adalah anugrah Tuhan.
Darling, this is how I want to celebrate our 7th
anniversary. I am not going to say I am blessed because of what we have, I know
that already.
Lets try harder, living a grateful life. Aku bersyukur,
dengan apa yang kumiliki dan tidak. Teaching this to KnK. Let them know that
they are here in this world out of love and are a blessing, to us as a start.
Lets love more, so that KnK knows that love endures.
Lets live our life like these… loving more, being grateful…
so that our KnK feels our love, learn the words and understand what love and
being grateful means. My wish is for them to have no choice other than being
only grateful to God for their own life.
You don’t have to lead the pray, yes the holly stuff ** wink ** I will do that, lets start being
grateful by not doing bad things… that’s how I want my KnK to start too.
Never get bored of saying this, I love you papa Utu. Happy 7th