Selamat Natal 2009
Selamat Tahun Baru 2010
Tuhan Memberkati kita selalu!
To papa K - my dearest husband,
I know you know that we love you. What you don't know maybe, is that we are more in love with you everyday than we did yesterday. You make us feel very blessed everyday from the beginning to the very end of the day. When we open our eyes, the kiss is ready, the milk is ready. Lots of things that you do for us. You truly are a great husband and father.
You have a pure mind and blessed with an angelic soul. You are a good person papa. And I know for certain that God resides in your heart. You bring peace to us, you make us happy. Very happy! Everyday!
Thank you for teaching me, we already are blessed the three of us for everyday breath that we breathe. Be thankful of what we have. Thank you for your strength, especially these last few weeks. Could not get through this without you!! As for what the future will bring, I know for certain that the Lord’s plan for us is always the right plan. Let’s not forget to pray and be better children of God.
Thank you so much for everything that you have done for us. We really appreciate that papa. I know you know that we love you, but we just can not get enough of saying that because we really do love you papa, with all our heat.
God bless and keep you, we only hope that we make you happy too!
29 March 2009 was Karen baptism day. We are very happy that she "performs" well on her baptism day. She didn't sleep but didn't cry even though there was no AC in the church. She smiles a lot and we are just so very proud of our baby K :)
We thank both sets of her God Parents (Om Kiki & Tante Desi dan Om Renvy & Tante Nona) who will share the responsibility as well as the joy of sharing and teaching the love of our Lord Jesus Christ to our dear baby K.
God bless !!