Wow.... kalau saya boleh narsis hehehe..... (maap maap can not help it!)
Untuk ulang tahun saya yang terakhir sebagai nona ini he he he, my husband to be is sooooooooooooo romantic :) ....... mudah2an akan tetap selalu begini yah ayang.....
Kalau tahun lalu kado yang dipilih "1 mata dijari", tahun ini "3 mata dileher", i love you for your past, for you are at present and for our future together... if u know what i mean :)
On top of that,
30 SURPRISE white roses in the morning plus his posting.
Well, tapa tuh yang bilang Lasanudin tidak romantis ( ;) blink blink ) maap yah :) the proofs show me the opposite!!
Christian-ku yang paling aku sayang.... aku tuh udah makasih banyak banget loh for you to just being you, but now...... thank u so very very much for being you ++++ :) Muah muah muah!!!
Our new definition of happiness: dirty car seat, messy house, wall full of scribbles, children's running and cycling in the house, screaming, fighting, crying, and laughing.... We are truly blessed!